
my brain on a page

Archive for the category “Inspiration”

Put a Tiger in your Tank

My kitten Ralph is testing out his new tank in order to take over the living room! I kid, I kid – take over the world! i’m Pinky and he’s the Brain.

I made this yesterday with James and the boy and it’s the best thing ever. It can even shoot out ping pong balls (very slowly). I hope you enjoy the use of Amazon and Asos boxes as much as I do, see what you can craft up. Here is a little inspiration Caine’s Arcade.

“If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that’s read by persons who move their lips when they’re reading to themselves.” ― Don Marquis

I think it’s more than 15 tonight Amelie…


The Science Museum is real(ly) cool

I found at the Science Museum last year and thought it was super cute, I especially like the (mis)use of brackets.

If you have not been to the Science Museum in a while you should check out the Launchpad, I went again last weekend and it’s incredible. I know it’s really for kids discovering science but every time I go I try out all the experiments as if it was my first time. You can watch ice freeze under a microscope, generate electricity for a hair-dyer by cycling or discover how a hearing aid works by listening to music that only plays in your head. Gee all this talking is making me wanna go again!


2012 Romantic Report

Okay just found this and wow, I didn’t know WordPress had a romantic side.

Let me rewind a second…because this blog got 10,000 views in 2012 the little elfs that work at WordPress made me an annual report!  Which is the cutest thing ever, I feel so professional. Thank you WordPress, and most importantly thank you people out there that occasionally say hello to my blog. You have made this shark-hoodie-wearing, banoffe-pie-eating, first-time-blogger feel very special indeed. (Phew, that was a lot of dashes).

To celebrate I have attached an illustration that sums up me, and my blog. Yes, it is of an octopus juggling (what looks like) Brussels sprouts. As you may have already guessed, I like weird, in fact – I encourage it. Thanks to Anneka Tran for this Toy Story 3 inspired number.

If you are interested in looking at the ‘report’ click below, but for now I will just continue to blush.


Click here to see the complete report.

Eat the Cold Away

Brrrrrr it’s freezy! If you are looking for indoor things to do, now that you have soaked all your kitten mittens with snow ball fights and planting snow men, then why not try a bit of fake baking with Banoffe pie! Hands down the easiest pie you will ever make. Literally only take 10 minutes in the oven, then let your fridge do the rest. You are suppose to melt chocolate and put it on top but if you want to be extra lazy (like I was) just grate it! Whola, you can eat the cold away. Here is my look-book of lasts night attempt, if you want to give it a go follow this recipe from the BBC.

Sending out lots of bear hugs, especially to all those playing football today in short shorts.

Nothing makes you feel more like a villain than a swivel chair and a cat –  (my discovery at a computer desk with my nan’s fluffy cat).

Karl Pilkington Recites a Poem

Over the Christmas holidays, whilst getting fat on Rocky Road and trying to reverse the affect of days of drinking, the Ricky Gervais Show came on TV. In the show Karl Pilkington (my personal awkward hero) took a liking to poetry and the results are amazing. Click this picture to watch him in action:

kp poetry

Here is the poem encase you didn’t catch it straight off:

“If moths had eyes, would they be happier?
How do they know they’re not dead?
Cavemen hunting for food
But not before they style their hair on their head
What would last longer in dinosaur times?
A blind man didn’t stand a chance
Not with all them rocks about
I`d rather be a blind moth”.

Kissed by the Rose

Hello readers, I trust you have an enjoyable Christmas! I have to confess I hate January more than stepping on Lego.  However this image cheered me up, more than a little. I thought I’d share to pull any of you out of the January blues.

pug seal

This year It is my mission to share more illustration, costumes and poems with you so as Kenan and Kel say ‘Aw here goes’.

Staggering Beauty

Click picture for amazing surprise… and wear headphones if at work!!

…and shake away.

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