
my brain on a page

Archive for the tag “Sweet”


Elephants on Parade

This wonderfully sweet pence is by Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell, whom just happen to be married! Check out more of their shizzle here.

a lesson to learn…

Duck run; (like chicken run, but with ducks)

Cutest thing ever. I love this little fellow.

today is a jumper day, but everyday is a cat day

Brrrrr I am the cold one. I think this cat has the right idea, I was a little ambitious wearing pop socks and shorts today. How cute is this cat? I am very cat broody, encase you didn’t notice!

If you are just as obsessed with cats as I am (I know Space Giraffe is), then check out this wicked cat blog called ‘Cat Thoughtalog‘ where I found this little fellow. But in the mean time grab your jumpers before you leave the house folks! x

Thick Skinned

I adore these inside-out teddys. Especially the bear one, he looks so pissed off. Although if someone turned my skin inside out I’d be pretty pissed off too. I have found the most amazing website on these ‘experiments’ which I shall put together in a post later on today. Keep an eye out for it, unless it fell out, then don’t.

Intense Eye Contact

Morning world, hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday. I would be if I didn’t have a blasted cold all weekend. Being housebound, I have been trying to find things to cheer me up, and this little fellow was one of them. *spoiler* Plus the fact that someone with the name ‘Ricky Martin’ won ‘The Apprentice’. I find that incredibly silly. Anyway I thought I’d share his little face with you, the bird that is not Ricky Martin.

What is this thing? I hear you ask, well I didnt know at first, I had saved him on my computer years ago. But I google searched his image to find that he, is in actual fact, a laptop sleave. If you are vaguely interested it that kinda stuff then I have the link.

I think he is cute and would like to own him. But alas, I have no moneys. He is he best as a staring competition buddy, but I have a feeling I wont win, his eyes are intense… Must. Not. Look. Away. Dammit! I blinked.

Bear Hug

I’m back! Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, had the busiest day known to mankind. Plus it was my mum’s Birthday, so I was busy wrapping presents, buying flowers and stuffing my face at a Turkish restaurant. It’s fair to say that I didn’t stick by my ‘healthy eating rule’ that day! So I’m back with a card layout from an illustrated named Joey Chou. Which is uber cute.

Joey Chou has popped up on my blog before, so go check him out by clicking his name in the ‘tag’ section. Or for a wider range of stuff there’s always his website.

Happy June folks, lets hope it’s a good one. x

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