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Archive for the tag “Birds”

Fountain of Colour

This colourful shuffle is by Tim Lahan. I really like the blurred out shapes of the birds, although I’m not sure if the birds are being aggressive or giving each others piggy backs. [I am the most naive person I know, so probably the first option]. It looks like the food chain of birds of prey. Or maybe I just made that up? Well, whatever it is, I like it. See what you think of the rest of Lahan’s stuff by clicking here. He is very abstract but also funny too.

“piggybacks are the best way to travel”

I’m sure that is mandarin for  ‘hurry up bitch and take me to the food. ‘

…Just kidding, I have no clue what language that is, nor can I understand it; I’m sure he is saying something nice to his friend. This illustration is by Matt Forsythe, I love his choice of colours and patterns. Very pretty.

Piggyback really are a great way to travel, although as an adult, there are no more volunteers to escort me around, goddamit!


Absolutely beautiful illustrations by the late Charley Harper. He is an incredible artist, whom is amongst my favourites. His illustrations are based around animals, he is well known for his highly stylized wildlife posters, prints, and illustrated books. He used a lot of symmetry with shapes and colour, which in my opinion give him an iconic trait. I think his work is magical to look at. There will be more to come on Mr. Harper. Click here for more magic. x

“tweeting is not just for twitter”

Good morning early birds, just thought I’d share with you some neat illustrations I found, on birds. (You didn’t think I crow-barred that bird reference in for no reason, did you?) And here they are in their full glory. I tried to choose a variety of different illustrations, so you could recognise each artist as individual, lets see if it’s worked:

As always, the artists are labelled below (in order of appearance). Just click on their names to view their sites:

Gervais Merryweather
Dante Terzigni
Lotta Nieminen

Thank you for checking out my blog today, here is a little joke I found to show my my appreciation:

What has four wheels, two wings, and flies? 
A bird…I was lying about the wheels.

Okay, silly joke, but it made me smile. Have a great day people.

Suspicious Birds

Nate Williams
Williams’ illustrations have a nativity to them, a child like quality which I think is wonderful. I am also very fond of his simple and few colour schemes, it works well with the complex character detail.  However, I find that his work can come across a a bit overwhelming, and busy sometimes. The backgrounds and the character designs are so complex that it can be a bit much to take in at once, here is an example. This is why I am so fond of this piece, Williams has managed to keep his unique character design and simple choice in colours but without the busy background. I think enhances his distinct and unique illustration.

I also love that the birds have suspicion in there eyes.

Here is his site for a little look. 

I like beards

I like beards

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